Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Cards

i made two christmas cards in this project. i approached it by finding two families then added christmas back rounds to the picture. i was inspired by the smiles on the happy families faces. i am satisfied with my work i thought it was creative. this was a good season project

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Modern Art

this assignment I was asked to make a piece of modern art
i approached this project by going back and forth the paper with different colors
i am satisfied with my work, it looks pretty cool.
i was inspired by all the different colors and strokes
this was a cool project

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Visual Puns

These four photos are my visual puns. I approached this project by finding four creative puns and making them into photos. i was inspired by the different ideas i had and ways to make them funny. i am satisfied with my four photos somem more than others. i would probably add more color in next time. This was a funny project

Thursday, October 27, 2011

History Brush

In this assignment i took all the color out of this concert and added the lights back in
i was inspired by the light show of this particular band
First i took all the color out and i wanted to do something interesting so i choose to add the lights back in
i am satisfied with my work i think it looks very cool. i would not do anything different

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In this assignment I took a picture of Troy Polamalu and made four pictures of him facing each other.
I knew that i wanted to make them all different colors
 i was inspired by the different colors
i am satisfied with my work i thought it turned out well
its cool

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

this project i took a Wordle i had made of phish songs and added them into the Trey.
first i found a picture with cool lights in the back round of Trey and then i added the Wordle.
I thought of all phish songs i could add in added it into his body with a purple stroke
i am satisfied with my work i though it turned out well, i like all of the colors.
it turned out well

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jungle City

I took me and Grady and added a city in us and a jungle around us
i knew i wanted to add jungle and a city to show the differences but add them into the same photo
The freedom shrine inspired me to add the jungle and city
i am satisfied with my work i think this was my best looking project.
i liked this project

Monday, October 3, 2011


This is a combination of my 12 green photos
I tried to combine the pictures into one buy cutting some of it out and adding different pictures together
i saw all of the different shapes and was inspired by the different types of pictures
i liked this project but not as much as the other projects, but with what i was given i thought i did a good job
i liked  adding color to the project

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crazy Combos

This is a "crazy" combination of many different things i put together
i knew i wanted to have a concert as my back round because of the cool lights and i just went from there
The back round with the lights really made me think of what i wanted to do and all the different things fell into place
i am satisfied with my work i think it is a funky looking picture but all combines some way with one another
this was a funny project that i enjoyed

Monday, September 12, 2011

I had to erase something in the picture
I was going to erase most of Georges face
I thought it would be funny to see him without most of his face
yes, not as much as the music project though i could have cleaned it up more and made it look more realistic
i thought this was a funny project


this is a picture of music through art.
I tried to get the coolest image i could with the knowledge i have with photoshop
i was inspired by all the different colors and shapes
i am satisfied with my work i think it looks very good. i might have wanted to add color to the two other people
i enjoyed this project